Class 2 Expectations
Our initial aim is to ensure the children experience a smooth transition from Class 1 to Class 2. Class 2 is a Year 2 group. Our curriculum builds upon and extends the work done in Class 1, with the timetable becoming more structured.
We expect your child to become increasingly independent and to be able to challenge themselves, taking risks to move their learning forward. We have high expectations of the children’s behaviour, in addition to their attitude and approach to their work.
You can help your child in the following areas:
- Please ensure all personal items are clearly labelled as we expect the children to assume responsibility for their belongings and personal organisation, to respect others, their ideas and their property.
- Your child will have a reading diary to bring home and we encourage you to hear your child read daily and to record it in the diary. This is really important and makes a huge difference to the progress of the children. Please make sure they bring their reading diary and book to school every day. Please date and sign the reading diary (with a comment if you wish) to let us know you have heard your child read. This will help us to decide when your child is ready to change their book. We would also recommend that you continue to ask your child questions about the book.
- In addition, please help your child to practise their weekly spellings and ensure the spellings book is in school on a Friday. After the first few weeks, we will also be sending home some mental maths to learn, consisting of basic year 2 number facts we would like the children to know off by heart. These will also be tested (sometimes just verbally) on a Friday.